Sex Therapy
Whether in a committed partnership, playing the field or going it solo, you may be feeling alone, embarrassed or ashamed. You’re stressed out, anxious or confused.
You’re experiencing changes or conflict, and may be unsure of where to start or how to navigate it.
You want to feel more connected ~ to your brain, to your body, to your partner(s), and to your life, through your sexuality.
We can work together to help you find relief, and identify and create the changes you desire. Learn about your mind and your body and explore how the two can work together.
You might be looking for help in navigating challenges in one or more of the following areas of sex therapy: I work with clients in various realms that include sexual health, wellness, functioning, exploration, education, and healing sexual trauma.
Libido (low/high/other)
Desire discrepancy
Sexual shame
Sexual trauma
Sexual pain
Sexual exploration and navigation (relationship structures - open, poly, etc.)
Embarrassment in sexuality
Erectile difficulties
Premature or delayed ejaculation
No or low sex relationships
Aging and sexual functioning
The female experience: perimenopause, menopause, post-menopause.
Changes in sexual functioning due to medication use
And more!